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Showing posts with the label yoga videos

Yoga video: Elvis - Yoga Is As Yoga Does

I saw this video on Twitter thanks to CoraYoga and thought I would share it with you. Now it is not to be taken seriously at all, but it is interesting that the misconception that people who practice yoga do nothing but prance around making fools of themselves is not a recent thing. The teacher could not be any more English even if she tried!! Anyone for tea, vicar?!

There is more to yoga than the poses

I came across this video on Twitter recently and thought I would share it with you. I really enjoyed listening to Rod Stryker talking about yoga and asana practice. I think the analogy he uses about spiritual leaders not doing great handstands in the middle of the room is fantastic. The way he describes the effect a physical practice can have on our personal and spiritual journey is also very interesting and, in my opinion, makes a lot of sense. Having said that, had I seen this when I first started yoga and was only looking at the physical aspect, it would not have resonated with me in the same way, yoga is so much more than asana (poses).

Video Friday: dynamic flow yoga

This Vinyassa flow sequence taught by Claire Missingham is a great example of how dynamic flow yoga does not have to be rushed. I have practised in london with Claire a couple of times and have enjoyed the way she teaches what could be deemed difficult poses with a soft approach.

Ashtanga yoga video

Here is another ashtanga yoga video I have come across on Youtube. The poses demonstrated in the video are superb, the music is very relaxing and the locations (it was shot in India) are quite breathtaking. Highly recommendable!