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Showing posts with the label Backbends

The "real" laghuvajasana

Kino makes this look so easy. This is also the way my teacher teaches this pose.

Ashtanga yoga dropbacks for beginners with Kino

Am I as good as Sharath?

So Im back on mat having been stuck in this boot for more than four weeks. I asked my daughter to assist me with my back bending this morning-She has never done this before so it really made me laugh when she said " am I as good as Sharath?" I was also impressed that she knew who Sharath was?.....Whilst she is a wonderful talented artist, I don't think he need worry about her taking his "guru" role any time soon. The girl child Sharath Jois Mysore

Strong Legs and Healthy Backbends in Laghuvajrasana with Kino MacGregor & Julia Lofstrand

Straight arms with hands near the feet? I thought hands were near the knees! I'm going to give this variation a go.