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Showing posts with the label Eight Limbs of Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a flowing dynamic form of yoga, where each pose is linked and synchronised using a breathing system called ujjayi pranayama . Ashtanga yoga practises postures (asana), breath (ujjayi pranayama), focal/gazing point (driste). The discipline of this system allows us to develop a deeper understanding and awareness of ourselves. It is both empowering, and liberating and allows us to move through life with a calmness and steadiness of mind and body. The linking of breathing and movement creates an internal, purifying heat which detoxifies and purifies the muscles and internal organs. Internal locks (bandhas) are used throughout the yoga practice. The breath is the heart of Ashtanga yoga. Eight Limbs Ashtanga translates as “eight limbs”. Below are the eight limbs as described by the sage Patanjali: Yama (abstinences) Niyama(observances) Asana (postures) Pranayama (breath control) Pratyahara (sense withdrawal) Dharana (concentration) Dhyana (meditat...

Ashtanga: The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Asha = Eight, Anga = Limb, Yoga = Union The Eight Limbs of yoga are: Yama - Ethical disciplines, morals Niyama – Self observation, purification. Asana - Poses, postures Pranayama - breath control, rythmic. Pratayahara - sense withdrawel Dharana - Concentration. Dhyana - meditation Samadhi - A state of joy and peace