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Showing posts with the label Osteopath Clive Lathey

Inspiring Female athlete Chrissie Wellington

               Cherie Lathey,  Clive Lathey,  Chrissie Wellington,  Doctor Courtney Kipps  We had a day of talks and treatments at The Putney clinic of physical therapy on Saturday. Our main speaker of the day - was the four times world champion Ironman Chrissie Wellington. What an amazing inspirational speaker she is...and a fantastic role model for young women.  Her book "life without limits" is well worth a read. I don't need to relate everything I write here to yoga, but some of Chrissie experiences really resonated with me...Obviously I have not achieved the magnificent world titles, but I have worked through pain and fear in my ashtanga yoga practice (and in life).... Chrissie described pain in the body shifting as she embarked on triathlons and Ironman events..IE.a pain that starts in the shoulder as you embark on your event ( or on your mat), can...

Summer Back Bends Ibiza

I have to take yoga assists where I can. On holiday in Ibiza earlier this summer my husband was recruited to help me with my "dropping back". He is not a yoga teacher, but as an osteopath with an MSc in Sports Science/Sports medicine, he has an excellent understanding of the body. It was a bit scary but I figured that he more than anyone was not going to drop me on my head ;-)