Many top athletes have now incorporated yoga in their training programmes. Tennis players, footballers, golfers and rowers are all finding that yoga can improve their chosen sport, and are using it to cross train. Yoga increases flexibility and mobility, giving you a greater, controlled range of motion, thus decreasing your risk of injury. Strength, balance and flexibility are key components needed in rowing and yoga poses target specifically the areas most affected by this sport: Abdominals/ core strength Lumber spine Shoulders Hamstrings Hip flexors Calf muscles … (to name but a few) Learning to find balance and control through a yoga practice can then be transferred to the boat. Breathing techniques used in yoga are steady and rhythmic; they allow you to stay calm but alert, giving you the mental edge in competitive rowing. About yoga mama Cherie Lathey (yoga mama) is an internationally qualified yoga teacher and is joint director of The Putney Clinic . She runs yoga classes and wor...