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Showing posts with the label Sri K Pattabhi Jois

Guruji Lives Here

A video of ashtanga yoga students practising around the world, will be released on the full moon day of 31 July 2015. It will show the global influence that Pattabhi Jois has had on so many people; many of whom (including myself) have never even met him. This video will show students simply showing up on their mats and practising yoga. This is a wonderful, moving tribute to Guruji who dedicated his life to Ashtanga yoga. A fitting celebration/dedication to a wonderful man in what would have been his 100th birthday year.

Pattabhi Jois Led Ashtanga Intermediate series 1989 complete series video

I absolutely love this footage. Thank you to  grimmly2007  for finding and sharing this gem.

Guruji 90th birthday celebrations Mysore

So new Ashtanga yoga book coming - Sharath Jois

So Sharath has written a new Ashtanga yoga book  (with the help of a couple of his students, whose names I didn't catch). As far as I am aware, this is his first book. He told us about this in the conference yesterday and even made light of some of the then/ now photographs of himself contained in the book. I also believe he said it contained some health related asana -but this could be a "lost in translation" on my part. There are lots of photographs contained in the book-some with him as a young man practising with his grandfather Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. I know this book will go on sale in the Shala in the next few weeks, but not sure when/where it will be on general sale. If you have friends currently in Mysore, get them to pick up a copy for you. I also managed to find the courage to ask a question in that conference yesterday, but that's for another post perhaps.

Guruji Singing The Upansihads at Chateau Renault, France 1991

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Lineage

Without the work of Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Ashtanga yoga would have been lost. All modern practitioners of Ashtanga yoga benefit directly or indirectly from his teachings. Sri K Patthabi Jois learned from his master Krishnamacharya, whose own master was Ramamohan Brahmachary. My own yoga teacher Nancy Gilgoff learnt directly from Pattabhi Jois. For me, keeping close to the lineage is very important. I try my best not to dilute my physical yoga practice and continue to study the text of Patanjali (Pattabhi Jois said he taught Patanjali's yoga). This, alongside reading items by writers who have given a lot of time to research both the history, and the physical practise of Ashtanga yoga. I am currently reading this book on my Kindle: Ashtanga Yoga: Practices and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle The first two lines above are quoted directly from this book by Gregor Maehle. It is a fascinatingread so far. My well-thumbed book, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ...


Ahimsa is probably one of the best known Yamas of the Eight Limbs Yoga Path and is often described as "non-harming" or "non-killing". Patanjali's description in the Yoga Sutras is as follows: "Himsa means to cause pain. Ahimsa not to cause pain.' The translation of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda goes on to say: "Killing is different from causing pain. Causing pain can be more harmful than killing. Even by your words, even by your thoughts you can cause pain". (Patanjali Yoga Sutras Book 11.30). Ahimsa in our lives So how do we bring Ahimsa into our life? Firstly, I believe we have to have some understanding of how we can harm ourselves; looking at some areas of our lives that might not be working for us. If we hate our jobs; don’t feed ourselves in a caring way; berate ourselves for not being good, rich and/or successful enough etc... we are acting on Himsa. These are just a few examples, as we all have d...


Here is a photograph of Ashtanga yoga master, the late SRI Pattabhi Jois. I believe it was taken in the summer of 2009 (so shortly before he died). I never got to practice yoga with the great man himself, but my own teacher shares so many of her stories about her 30 year friendship with Guruji as he is fondly known. In the photograph you can see the kindness and humour Guruji shared with many. I personally love the hoodie with "guru" on the front of it. This photograph was kindly shared with me by Nick .

Recommended Yoga Reading

I heartily recommend the book 'Ashtanga Yoga' written by David Swenson. This is a must-read for anybody interested in this particular style of yoga, which translates into English as follows: Ashta = Eight, Anga = Limb, Yoga = Union (The Eight Limbs of Yoga). David has been practising yoga since he was 13 years old and has made a life-time study of the Ashtanga series. The book looks at both the primary and intermediate series, and also offers some short forms of the practice, which are particularly useful for when time is restricted. I love the way David has put variations for all the poses. He offers at least three different options for each pose, thus making the Ashtanga series available to all. Having studied yoga with David back in the early 90's, I don’t think this book reflects his sense of humour, which has to be experienced by meeting the man in person. The book does, however, reflect his amazing wisdom of the Ashtanga Series as taught to him by Sri K. Pattabhi...

Sri K Pattabhi Jois "Guruji"

I would like mention to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, or “Guruji” as he was often called, who died in May at the age of 94. He was the man responsible for the Ashtanga vinyasa series, much loved in the West. His take on yoga has touched many people around the world and his famous quote “practice and all is coming” is used by many teachers. While I never got to practice with him myself, a lot of my yoga training was completed under the supervision of two of his early followers, David Swenson and Nancy Gilgoff (the first western woman to practice with Guruji in Mysore, India). She and her partner at that time, David Williams, took Pattabhi Jois to California and, from there, Ashtanga yoga started to attract followers from all around the world. As a matter of interest, Nancy – who now lives in Maui, Hawaii - will be in the UK in October to hold several workshops. These will take place in Wiltshire and are well-worth attending. That said, she usually requires participants to have at least two year...