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Showing posts with the label Dalai Lama

Quote: Sleep

Sleep is the best meditation. Dalai Lama Sleep. Mysore, India

The Art of Happiness (The Dalai Lama)

I have just finished reading this book whilst on holiday. I found it a wonderful insight into the Dali Lama and Buddhism. It's written by a psychiatrist who has interviewed the Dalai Lama many times. The book is a combination of narrative by the author and extended quotes of the Dalai Lama's answers. The simplicity of many of his answers was so refreshing, and keeping life simple is key. His kindness and compassion to all philosophy is simple but effective. Forgiveness is also included ... I read this on my kindle and highlighted many things. I do not think you have to be religious or a Buddhist to enjoy this book, I would highly recommend this read, especially to those of us that sometimes need reminding to "keep it simple"

Quote: Compassion

It must be said that genuine compassion is not like pity or a feeling that others are somehow lower than you. Rather, with genuine compassion you view others as more important than yourself. Dalai lama

Quote: Anger

Anger and hatred are two of our closest friends. When I was young I had quite a close relationship with anger. Then eventually I found a lot of disagreement with anger. By using common sense, with the help of compassion and wisdom, I now have a more powerful argument with which to defeat anger. Dalai Lama

Quote: Smile

The smile is a very important feature of the human face. But because of human intelligence, even that good part of human nature can be used in the wrong way, such as sarcastic smiles or diplomatic smiles, which only serve to create suspicion. I feel that a genuine affectionate smile largely depends on ones own attitude. It is illogical to expect smiles from others if one does not smile oneself. Therefore, one can see that many things depend on ones own behaviour. Dalai Lama

Quote: Mind and Body

Our experiences and feelings are mainly related to our bodies and minds. We know from our daily experiences that mental happiness is beneficial. For instance, though two people may face the same kind of tragedy, one person may face it more easily than the other due to his or her mental attitude. Dalai Lama