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Showing posts with the label Sharath London Ashtanga tour 2013

Sharath Jois teaching short Pranayama. on Youtube A sign of things to come?

Well this is a rare treat indeed-Sharath teaching a short pranayama on youtube and wearing his Brahmin thread. This is the pranayama that he shared here in London on his recent trip.This is the first time I have ever seen a video of him teaching like this.

Sharath Jois in London 2013

Sharath Jois will be in London teaching a week of primary and intermediate ashtanga yoga From 25th-30th of August- in a central London location. Booking for this will open mid May. Through A rare and wonderful treat to have Sharath in my home town-A big thank you to  Hamish Hendry  and ashtanga yoga London for organising this. Going to have to set an alarm on my phone- as there will be a lot of takers for this....