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Showing posts with the label Pranayama

Sharath Jois teaching short Pranayama. on Youtube A sign of things to come?

Well this is a rare treat indeed-Sharath teaching a short pranayama on youtube and wearing his Brahmin thread. This is the pranayama that he shared here in London on his recent trip.This is the first time I have ever seen a video of him teaching like this.

Ashtanga: The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Asha = Eight, Anga = Limb, Yoga = Union The Eight Limbs of yoga are: Yama - Ethical disciplines, morals Niyama – Self observation, purification. Asana - Poses, postures Pranayama - breath control, rythmic. Pratayahara - sense withdrawel Dharana - Concentration. Dhyana - meditation Samadhi - A state of joy and peace