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Showing posts with the label Kino Macgregor

The "real" laghuvajasana

Kino makes this look so easy. This is also the way my teacher teaches this pose.

Beginners drop backs against the wall

A useful beginners guide to dropping back.

Yoga Hip Stretching for Lotus

Nice hip opener here from Kino MacGregor 

Lift Up with Straight Legs into Headstand with Kino

This a great tip from Kino. I gave it a go and it worked like magic. I will definitely share it with my students.

Ashtanga yoga dropbacks for beginners with Kino

Ashtanga Yoga : Marichasana D with Kino MacGregor

This is a very useful clip for those who are working on the bind in this pose.

Samskaras in Ashtanga yoga Kino MacGregor

Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Balancing Posture

Safely Getting Into Full Lotus Position, Padmasana for Beginners with Kino MacGregor

Keeping the knees closed and allowing the hips to open over time is key I feel-Great tip from Kino.

Ashtanga Yoga Headstand for Beginners: Sirsasana with Kino

I think this is good tutorial for students new to headstand-although I find Kino saying move the pelvis forward slightly confusing, as I would describe this as moving the pelvis backward- but all amounts to the same direction I guess.

Ashtanga Yoga: Marichyasana A with Kino MacGregor

  Here is an ashtanga yoga video from Kino MacGregor, in which she demonstrates the Marichyasana A pose. I have never seen this jump back done before. I also found the foot adjustment interesting.

Bhekasana from Ashtanga Yoga Second Series with Kino MacGregor and Dayle...

I have never heard the tip about taking the calf flesh out before-nor the mention of lifting the thighs-Kino always give useful information in her short clips. It took me a long time to get the hand/foot grip correct and my feet most definitely do not touch the floor ;-)

Ashtanga Yoga Second Series Backbending: Danurasana with Kino MacGregor ...

Ashtanga Yoga Third Series with Kino MacGregor

I understand  there is some controversy around this third series dvd by Kino-I personally would like to see it

Learning Purvottanasana from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, with Kino...

Ashtanga Yoga: How To Jump Back with Kino MacGregor and Daylene Christensen

Kurmasana Supta Kurmasana Transition with Kino MacGregor

Strong Legs and Healthy Backbends in Laghuvajrasana with Kino MacGregor & Julia Lofstrand

Straight arms with hands near the feet? I thought hands were near the knees! I'm going to give this variation a go.

Ashtanga Yoga : Chakrasana, Backwards Rolling with Kino MacGregor and Daylene Christensen

Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Series: Karandavasana with Kino MacGregor and Julia Lofstrand

I tried this pose for the first time earlier this summer. I managed to bring my knees down, assisted by my teacher, but getting them back up was a different story. I think this is a useful tip that Kino gives about practising from headstand first and moving the leg back to come into lotus makes sense. Now to practice and possibly fall on my head :-)