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Showing posts with the label Eddie Stern

Eddie Stern: Urban Yogis

Eddie Stern and the supporters of LIFE Camp walking the walk with yoga. Truly inspiring.

Transformation Through Yoga: Eddie Stern interviews Russell Brand on addiction.

How did you Meet Guruji?

I love this...Thank you to  Amanda Manfredi  for sharing.

Eddie Stern about Ashtanga yoga

I really like what Eddie says about the practise being joyful-we have enough intensity in our lives without making our yoga practise intense too

The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga-Ashtanga confluence

This video is just fabulous-Thank you to the person who posted it. How wonderful to have all this information, from all these amazing first generation Ashtangi-So much shared knowledge and wisdom and not an asana in sight. 

Book Review: Guruji - A Portrait of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Guruji - A Portrait of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois by Guy Donahaye and Eddie Stern I have so enjoyed reading this book about Pattabhi Jois as witnessed through the eyes of his students, of many years. It is a great insight into the life and personality of the man known as Guruji. Thirty of Guruji’s students offer their own experience of practising Ashtanga yoga under his guidance. The passion that was shared from guru to student is one of the wonderful themes throughout the book; as is the family man or householder that Pattabhi Jois was. It is clear from this book that family played a big role in this man’s life. There is plenty of humour; I found the David Swenson and Guruji “Hari Krishna” story really funny. I loved reading about the experiences of the women who practiced with Guruji, especially in the early days, when western women were not the norm in the Shala. I highly recommend this book to everyone who practices Ashtanga yoga.