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Showing posts with the label Quote of the day

Quote: Samsara

Thinking we can find some lasting pleasure and avoid pain is what in Buddhism is called Samsara. A hopeless cycle that goes round and round endlessly and causes us to suffer greatly when things fall apart. Pema Chodron

Quote: The Inward Journey

To know oneself is to know one's body, mind and soul. The inward journey will allow you to explore and integrate each of these aspects of your being. from your physical body, you will journey inward to discover your "subtle bodies"-your energy body, where breath and emotions reside; your mental body, where thoughts and obsessions can be mastered: your intellectual body, where intelligence and wisdom can can be found; and your divine body, where the universal soul can be glimpsed. B.K.S Iyengar (Light on Life)

Quote: Sleep

Sleep is the best meditation. Dalai Lama Sleep. Mysore, India

Quote: When Times Are Hard

Some beautiful words of wisdom for when times are hard: Bear patiently, my heart, for you have suffered heavier things. Homer

Quote: All Is Coming

Practise. All is coming... Sri K.Pattabhi Jois

Quote: Compassion

It must be said that genuine compassion is not like pity or a feeling that others are somehow lower than you. Rather, with genuine compassion you view others as more important than yourself. Dalai lama