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Showing posts with the label yoga poses

Pose of the day

Upavishta konasana , originally uploaded by . This is the Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend pose, sometimes called the Upavishta konasana .

Pose of the day

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana , originally uploaded by . This is the extended hand to foot pose , which is sometimes referred to as the Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana .

Yoga pose of the day

yoga photos aug09 170 , originally uploaded by . This is a variation of the camel pose, otherwise known as the ustrasana .

Pose of the day

Tittibhasana insect posture , originally uploaded by . This is the Firefly pose, also known as Tittibhasana .

Yoga pose of the day

Reverse Warrior II Variation , originally uploaded by . This pose is a Reverse Warrior II Variation.

Yoga pose of the day

Chin Mudra , originally uploaded by . This pose is known as the Chin Mudra .

Yoga pose of the day

Headstand variation double (Sirsasana) , originally uploaded by . This is a variation of the Double Headstand pose, otherwise known as Sirsasana.

Yoga pose of the day

Monkey god pose (Hanumanasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Monkey god pose, often referred to as the Hanumanasana .

Yoga pose of the day

Seated half Spinal Twist unbound (Ardha Matsyendrasana) , originally uploaded by . This pose is the Seated half Spinal Twist unbound, which is sometimes called the Ardha Matsyendrasana .

Yoga pose of the day

Seated half Spinal Twist bound (Ardha Matsyendrasana) , originally uploaded by . This is a Seated half Spinal Twist bound pose, which is often referred to as the Ardha Matsyendrasana .

Yoga pose of the day

Sirsasana variation double , originally uploaded by . This is a double variation of the double headstand pose, also known as Sirsasana .

Yoga pose of the day

Tripod down dog (Adho Mukha svanasana variation) , originally uploaded by . This is variation of the Tripod downward facing dog pose, also known as Adho Mukha svanasana .

Yoga pose of the day

Lotus position (Padmasana) , originally uploaded by . This pose is called the Lotus position (Padmasana).

Yoga pose of the day

Camel Pose variation , originally uploaded by . This is a variation of the Camel Pose.

Yoga pose of the day

Double Downward Facing Dog , originally uploaded by . This pose is known as the Double Downward Facing Dog.

Yoga pose of the day

Warrior II variation , originally uploaded by . This pose is the Warrior II variation.

Yoga pose of the day

Handstand variation , originally uploaded by . This pose is a handstand variation.

Yoga pose of the day

Headstand Sirsasana A , originally uploaded by . This is called the Sirsasana A pose, or as it more commonly known, the headstand.

Yoga pose of the day

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) , originally uploaded by . This is the Virabhadrasana II , otherwise known as the Warrior II pose.

Yoga pose of the day

Namasate prayer hands , originally uploaded by . Namasate prayer hands