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Showing posts with the label yoga poses

Pose of the day

Sirsasana - Beach yoga , originally uploaded by . Sirsasana beach yoga.

Pose of the day

Natarajasana - Dancer Pose , originally uploaded by . Natarajasana - Dancer Pose. Beach yoga.

Pose of the day

Pigeon pose variation , originally uploaded by . Pigeon pose variation. Anyone seen a hairbrush?

Pose of the day

Pincha Mayurasana , originally uploaded by . Pincha Mayurasana (feather of the peacock posture, sometimes called the scorpion)

Pose of the day

Bhujapidasana Arm pressure pose , originally uploaded by . This is the Bhujapidasana Arm pressure pose.

Yoga Pose of the Day: Prasarita Padottanasana C

Prasarita Padottanasana C (Wide-Legged Forward Bend) - © Yoga Mama Yoga pose of the day is Prasarita Padottanasana C , otherwise known as the Wide-legged forward bend.

Pose of the day

Urdhva dandasana , originally uploaded by . Urdhva dandasana - Upstaff posture.

Pose of the day

Half handstand , originally uploaded by . Half handstand

Pose of the day

Urdhva Dhanurasana , originally uploaded by . Urdhva Dhanurasana or upward-facing bow pose/bridge.

Pose of the day

Paddangusthasana , originally uploaded by . This is the Paddangusthasana pose.

Pose of the day

Matsyasana (Fish pose) , originally uploaded by . This is the Fish pose, sometimes called Matsyasana

Pose of the day

Cobra pose (Bhujangasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Cobra pose, otherwise known as the Bhujangasana .

Pose of the day

Eagle pose (Garudasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Eagle pose, sometimes referred to as the Garudasana .

Pose of the day

Half moon pose (Ardhachandrasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Half moon pose, sometimes called the Ardhachandrasana .

Pose of the day

Gate pose (Parighasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Gate pose, sometimes referred to as Parighasana .

Pose of the day

Cow face pose variation (Gomukhasana) , originally uploaded by . This is a variation of the Cow face pose, which is frequently called the Gomukhasana .

Pose of the day

Twisting triangle pose (Parivritta Trikonasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Twisting triangle pose, which is often called the Parivritta Trikonasana .

Pose of the day

Upside Down Lotus (Urdhva Padmasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Upside Down Lotus pose, also known as the Urdhva Padmasana .

Pose of the day

Heron pose (Krounchasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Heron pose, sometimes called the Krounchasana .

Pose of the day

Upward plank pose (Purvottanasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Upward plank pose, sometimes referred to as the Purvottanasana .