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What Is Vinyasa?

David Swenson describes Vinyasa as the "marriage of breath & movement". The linking of yoga poses while flowing with the breath is vinyasa. The asanas (poses) cease to be separate from the breath while practising this form of yoga; thus allowing a yogic dance of breath and movement. Ashtanga Vinyasa is one of the best known forms of this style of yoga practice. The Suryanamaskas (sun salutaions) are often described as vinyasa, as is linking upward facing dog and downward facing dog. Vinyasas are placed in between poses to bring the body back into a neutral position in this yoga practice Vinyasa flow classes - sometimes called flow yoga classes - are becoming increasing popular. This is because there is freedom to create various sequences. These sequences are not random, but linked poses flowing from one to another. Repetition is a key feature in vinyasa yoga. Every entrance and exit to a pose is made with an inhalation or exhalation. Transition from one pose to a

The Elephant Parade

There are currently 260 life-sized baby elephants dotted around London. They have been designed by people from the world of fashion and art such as: Julien MacDonald, Lulu Guinness, Alice Temperly and Nina Campbell, to name but a few. The Elephant Parade hopes to raise 2 million pounds for The Elephant Family charity. Mark Shand, the author of “Travels with my Elephant” heads up this charity and the funds raised will help to create migratory corridors for Asian Elephants to prevent human/elephant conflict. The elephants will be on display collectively at the Chelsea Royal Hospital from the 23rd of June until the 2nd of July and will then be auctioned at Sotherbys as highly collectable works of art. This colourful elephant spotted in Holland Park Avenue in West London.

Make Me a New Face

I would like to share this with you. Neil Bulstrode , Consultant Plastic Surgeon and the Clinical Lead for Plastic Surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, has participated in the filming of a documentary by Ben Fogle that will be aired on BBC2 on Wednesday 9th June at 9-10pm . If you cannot watch it then, it will be repeated on BBC2 on Monday 14th June at 7-8pm . The documentary, titled Make Me a New Face , is about the charity trip to Ethiopia that Neil was part of; which saw a team of highly-skilled medical and surgical professionals travel to Addis Abeba in order to carry out surgery on children with severe facial disfigurement... A very worthwhile cause, as I am sure you will agree! The charity that organised this trip is called Facing Africa .

Quote of the day ...

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. Buddha