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Wimbledon tennis and yoga

I have been working for the LTA for 19 years and every June I get to do this-I love introducing many of the ball boys and girls to yoga for the first time...and they are always pleasantly surprised at how much they enjoy it ( mostly) Me with one of the teams Giving trikonasana a go... Favourite pose of the day Savasana Yoga mama bebe :-) The tennis...

Am I as good as Sharath?

So Im back on mat having been stuck in this boot for more than four weeks. I asked my daughter to assist me with my back bending this morning-She has never done this before so it really made me laugh when she said " am I as good as Sharath?" I was also impressed that she knew who Sharath was?.....Whilst she is a wonderful talented artist, I don't think he need worry about her taking his "guru" role any time soon. The girl child Sharath Jois Mysore

The cake, the queen and me...Jubilee weekend 2012

 What a fantastic weekend of celebrations we have had....street party's, friends and loads of cake....Even got to hang out with the Queen for a bit ( okay a cardboard cut out of her). Tug of war with competitive men and meeting neighbours that i did not know existed-Love or loathe the royals a community get together is brilliant!

Shalabasana, Second Series Backbending in Ashtanga Yoga with Kino

I am having to look at 2nd series back bends more than usual at the moment-so always useful to have some tips from Kino.

Anger and emotion...Dali Lama

According to my experience, it is clear that if each individual makes an effort then he or she can change. Of course, is not immediate and it takes a lot of time. In order to change and deal with emotions it is crucial to analyse which thoughts are useful, constructive and of benefit to us.  I mean mainly those thoughts which make us calmer, more relaxed and which give us peace of mind, versus those thoughts which create uneasiness, fear and frustration. Dali Lama Book of wisdom

Safely Getting Into Full Lotus Position, Padmasana for Beginners with Kino MacGregor

Keeping the knees closed and allowing the hips to open over time is key I feel-Great tip from Kino.

Today's foot wear & life off the mat.

So for the past 10 days I have been unable to practise yoga ( asana that is)-I have had to find a way to sit with myself and accept I will not be practising Ashtanga yoga in my usual way, for quite some time. I would like to say I injured myself sky diving, or in a shark attack, or something equally dramatic and exciting-but no, a very heavy table fell on my foot causing a crush fracture. So crutches and the very attractive boot below are part of my life for up to six weeks. Do not scroll down if like me you are squeamish. Minging toe -)