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Yoga pose of the day

Lotus position (Padmasana) , originally uploaded by . This pose is called the Lotus position (Padmasana).

The Credit Crunch: what to do you when you run out of ideas

Was going to give this post the following title: Lakshimi, or how the Royal Bank of Scotland resorts to Hindu deities to overcome the Credit Crunch ... but unfortunately it was a tad long. It would appear that the Credit Crunch is really start to hit where it hurts most... one's pockets! It becomes even more daunting when your bank starts sending you Hindu deities, Lakshimi (money goddess) to be precise, as a means of solving our financial worries. I cannot help but ask myself what they will think of next: free fortune cookies when you open a saver's account; stockbroking with Mystic Meg; telephone banking with Lady Luck; free money trees for online bankers... but my personal favourite (a surefire success) are Googlemaps or GPS systems with directions to the end of a rainbow, and a free toy leprechaun for your car thrown in for short measure!

Yoga pose of the day

Camel Pose variation , originally uploaded by . This is a variation of the Camel Pose.

Yoga or Pilates?

Many people often ask me what the difference is between yoga and pilates and if there is point practising one if they already practice the other. What is yoga? Yoga is an ancient practice and can be traced back more than 5000 years to India. The word yoga means “to yoke”; a union of mind, body and spirit, making it a spiritual tradition. Yoga aims to purify the mind and body, and the Eight Limb Path practiced in some yoga traditions offers ethical principals to follow. By following this path, it is said one can transcend the ego and awaken the spirtual energy hidden within, revealing our highest capabilities. The physical practice of yoga poses (asanas) is what many people in the West are attracted to initially. The physical effects (toning, lengthening and strengthening of the body) and the feelings of well-being brought about by practising yoga is what can often be the start of a yogic journey… A journey within. What is Pilates? Pilates is a much newer practice in comparison to yoga.