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Yoga pose of the day

Sirsasana variation double , originally uploaded by . This is a double variation of the double headstand pose, also known as Sirsasana .

The PinkPower Walk

On Sunday 17th of May, the sixth annual PinkPower Walk took place. This year's walk was slightly different from previous years as it was a 16-mile walk (setting out from Richmond Park and finishing in Barnes), whereas in previous editions it was either a marathon or half-marathon event. I am pleased to announce that an amazing £160,000 has been raised from this year's walk, with money raised going to two charities, Breakthrough and the Caron Keating Foundation, both of which raise funds for research into breast cancer. What is the PinkPower Walk? The PinkPower Walk came to exist after a I and a group of five other women applied to take part in another breast cancer fundraising event, only to be not given a place. Far from discouraging us, this disappointment actually inspired us to set about creating our own event and with the cooperation and participation of friends and family, we were able to gather together 38 participants for the first walk, raising approximately £39,000… T

Yoga pose of the day

Tripod down dog (Adho Mukha svanasana variation) , originally uploaded by . This is variation of the Tripod downward facing dog pose, also known as Adho Mukha svanasana .