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Pose of the day

Cow face pose variation (Gomukhasana) , originally uploaded by . This is a variation of the Cow face pose, which is frequently called the Gomukhasana .

Pose of the day

Twisting triangle pose (Parivritta Trikonasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Twisting triangle pose, which is often called the Parivritta Trikonasana .

Pose of the day

Upside Down Lotus (Urdhva Padmasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Upside Down Lotus pose, also known as the Urdhva Padmasana .

Pose of the day

Heron pose (Krounchasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Heron pose, sometimes called the Krounchasana .

Pose of the day

Upward plank pose (Purvottanasana) , originally uploaded by . This is the Upward plank pose, sometimes referred to as the Purvottanasana .

Pose of the day

Anjaneyasana (Crescent Moon) , originally uploaded by . This is the Crescent Moon pose, otherwise called the Anjaneyasana .

Video Friday

Seeing as though it is Friday, I thought I would post something different; a video featuring live music from Ravi Shankar, one of India's best known musicians, that I have come across on Youtube. The clip was recorded live at The Concert For Bangladesh in August 1971 to an audience of some 400,000 people in Madison Square Garden in New York. The event was organised by ex-Beatle, George Harrison, and Ravi Shankar in order to raise money for newly independent Bangladesh, which had been struck by war and natural disasters. In the clip, you can hear the Indian music part of the show, with Ravi Shankar playing the sitar, accompanied by other well known Indian musicians. I do not profess to being an expert on Indian music, but the performance is quite amazing and, of course, is great for practising yoga to. In my humble opinion, it is well worth watching.