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How do you choose a yoga teacher?

The question how do you choose a yoga teacher came up in a workshop that I recently attended. At the time my response to this was that it is an intuitive feeling you have when you come across a teacher that you seem to connect with. Having pondered over this some more, I looked at what has attracted me to the yoga teachers, that I still look to for guidance, and why I have let go of some teachers along the way. My thoughts on this are: The yoga teachers that I really connect with are the ones who have something that I would like to learn myself. They display all elements of yoga, not just the physical asana practice. They teach with kindness and compassion, I trust them to adjust me in postures, especially poses that I am fearful of. My trusted yoga teachers have enabled me to work through some of these poses and move on when I was ready… They don’t look to hold me back. A good teacher for me is someone who wants to share their knowledge and growth with their students and is able to

Video: Ashtanga primary series with David Swenson

David Swenson, teaching first part of the Ashtanga primary series.This clip allows you to really observe the flow of the Sun Salutations. So many yoga poses come from the strength and awareness of the Surya Namaskars. I like the way David teaches the primary series, while it is obviously still dynamic, it is not as fast as some teachers like to practice.