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Quote of the day...

Birth and death are not two different states, but they are different aspects of the same state. There is as little reason to deplore the one as there is to be pleased over the other. Gandhi


I have just finished reading Guernica, a historical novel by David Boling, set in the Basque town of Gernika (Guernica in Spanish). It is a fascinating first novel by Boling that encapsulates the horror and sadness of war. The interesting thread for me was the inclusion of the artist Pablo Picasso. The Picasso painting – which is on display at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid – shown below is the artists’ impression of the bombing of the town. After reading the violent account of the bombing and taking a closer inspection of the painting, the horror is plain to see. Guernica by Pablo Picasso Below is an excerpt from the Times, which, according to the book, Picasso is said to have read and which inspired him to paint Guernica, published on April 28th 1937: The Tragedy of Guernica Town Destroyed in Air Attack Eye-Witness Account Bilbao, April 27th 1937 Guernica, the most ancient town of the Basques and the centre of their cultural tradition, was completely destroyed yester

Running: the problem with blisters

Over the years I have taken part in a number of marathon events. Although I am not prone to blisters (losing toe nails is my problem), a number of my friends are. Below you will find some useful information on hydration and blister prevention/ treatment, written by my husband Clive Lathey MSc Sports Medicine. Hydration Dehydration impairs performance and health. Fluid loss during exercise dependent on exercise duration, intensity, temperature and humidity. Body size and fitness levels also affect loss. Pale to very pale yellow urine is an indication of good hydration. Dark yellow urine indicates advanced dehydration. Always start exercise well hydrated. Continue drinking at regular intervals- ideally every 15mins. The aim is to match intake of fluid with the amount of fluid lost. Exercise- more intense or lasting longer than 1 hour- solutions sodium + carbohydrate (Sports drinks), can speed up water absorption and provide additional fuel. Blisters Prevention Always dry your feet; pa