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Pose of the day ...

Bharadvajasana , originally uploaded by . Bharadvajasana. One of my favorite twists.

Quote: Acceptance

First of all accept yourself. When you do not accept yourself and imagine yourself to be someone different, a conflict arises between what you believe you are and what you really are. Swami Prajnanpad

Robbing dalmatian

Ireland April 11 136 , originally uploaded by . On our recent trip to Ireland we were robbed by this spotty dalmatian. He stole: two pairs of sunglasses, a cardigan, a shoe (or two) and also tried to steal my passport, handbag and any other object he could fit into his mouth. He was also an amorous creature with an eye for the ladies. Be warned - if you're out and about in County Wexford - he has two spotty friends, who act as lookouts. :-)

Pose of the day ...

Eka Hasta Bhujasana , originally uploaded by . Eka Hasta Bhujasana

Yoga Fashion

I'm loving the range of colours in the Sweaty Betty Spring yoga range. Beats the boring black any day. I also like the longer length as they dont rise up therefore avoiding the need to tuck my belly away every five minutes.