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Bishopstrow House, Weekend Spa

After a week of intense yoga practice and a week that saw my body have a collision with a piece of Germany's finest car engineering, my son not getting his university place of choice, and then getting two places, I was exhausted both physically and mentally. The change in the university plans meant I did not have to make the long drive to Newcastle, so I cancelled my trip and booked a place at Bishopstrow House for my husband and myself instead. I have blogged about this Spa hotel before. It is a beautiful, old manor house set in gorgeous countryside and has a feel of being in another era. While swimming alone in the outdoor pool, I imagined this is what it would have been like for the Astors, of Clivedon house, without the scandal of Christine Keller and the Profumo affair. I booked a garden room but when I arrived it had been given to someone else. I almost wept when I was given a room without a view. However, this was swiftly rectified and the unwinding process beg

Ashtanga yoga closing prayer

Closing Prayer Svastiprajabhyah Paripalayantam Nyayena Margena Mahim Mahisah Gobrahmanebhyah Subhamastu Nitym Lokasamasta Sukhinobhavantu May all be well with mankind May the leaders of the Earth protect in every way by keeping to the right path May there be goodness for those who know the Earth to be sacred. May all the worlds be happy.

Sharath London Ashtanga tour 2011

Whoa, what a week I have had... Last Friday my teenage son backed a heavy bit of German motor car into me, resulting in some heavy duty bruising on my legs. Shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries were also part of the deal too. On Saturday I had treatment on these and called Hamish at Ashtanga yoga London to see if he recommended that I still attend the week long workshop with Sharath. He suggested coming as the yoga would "help with the healing". I expressed my concerns at having to modify my practice and that - having never practiced yoga with Sharath before - he might go too hard on me. I couldn't have been more wrong! Sharath took me under his wing (along with many other students) and gently assisted me into my backbends. A light gentle touch which conveyed "I'm here, it's okay", softly encouraging me on the way. By day two or three I was up on my own and he quietly said "very good". By Thursday I was feeling much stronger and finding m

Pose of the day.

Ustrasana (Camel variation) , originally uploaded by . Ustrasana (Camel variation)

Here come the boys-Men and yoga

Here is the quite unusual vision of an all male yoga group. This was taken on my holiday and they are all either related to me, or very close family friends (husband and son included). Most publication items that are widely available about yoga, will usually have a a nubile, lycra clad female on the cover. Those that do have a male on the cover (few and far between) will either have s very strong looking man with rippling biceps, doing an arm balance that looks pretty unachievable to the novice. Or a ballet dancer type, looking off into the distance, with one leg wrapped somewhere round his neck. The benefits of yoga are well documented, and many sports men and women are using yoga alongside their regular activities, to help keep their bodies stay flexible and strong. Breathing techniques, which for me are the key aspect of yoga can help you deal with the stress and strain that life may bring ...So anyone from students to company directors ( as in these photos) can take to the yo