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Holy cows and other stuff

I can not be here in India and not post at least one cow image. They stroll up the street here in what can only be described as "mental" traffic without batting an eyelid-Huge trucks will rush past and still they keep moving ( or not), as they also like to lie down in Mysores equivalent to London Oxford circus...few more photos of life here.

In and around Mysore India

Here are some of the things I love about wandering around in Mysore....

Indian signs Goklam

Ashtanga Yoga : Setu Bandhasana with Kino MacGregor and Julia Lofstrand

New kid in town Mysore

So here I am day three ( I think?) in Mysore...well two sleeps ( sort of)...It feels quite odd to be the new kid in town. All the yoga students seem to be well settled into their routines, and know where to eat shop etc, I on the other hand can just about remember my name, although I have a great room mate who has taken me under her wing and given me a guided tour of Goklum. I have also managed to find a very nice swimming pool and have a massage, so not bad for the new kid in town. I start my yoga practise in the shala tomorrow and I feel ready for it after my rest days-I have a feeling once I start practising I will feel more settled, after all that is why I am here. I have a room with a view... My own room with a make shift bedside table... My transport over the past few days... So for all of my friends who thought I was on a jolly holiday at the Taj-this is it!

Ashtanga Yoga Mysore aged 50 (well almost)

SO I have arrived in Mysore for the first time in what will be the year of my 50th birthday. I have registered at the shala, and as suspected I am one of the older students.  I think there will be pros and cons of making my first trip to practise at the home of Ashtanga yoga at this stage of my life-My body is not what it once was, and some of the poses do not come as easily as they have done at various stages in the past....The up side to having many years of practise is that the other seven limbs are growing, and I have a pretty firm foundation in the subtle aspects of both myself, and this amazing yoga practise although there is a long way to go.  I have left my nice comfy home and family, to rent a room in a shared space with fellow yogis, with whom I will share this journey...... I have not come to "find myself" as im not lost ( this is what some people thing you come to India for).  I have not come to Mysore to get more poses, nor to get certified as a teacher- I