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The yoga advent calendar: Dec 8th

Upavista Konasana. Is is safe to come up yet? ( Christmas madness)

The yoga advent calender: Dec 7th

Ushtrasana -Camel pose. And the three wise men came on a camel... didn't look like this though.

Yoga advent calendar: Dec 6th

Hiding here in Badha Konasana :-)

Yoga advent calendar: Dec 5th

One of my favourites Bharadvajasana

The yoga advent calendar: Dec 4th

Krounchasana-Heron pose..

The yoga advent calendar: Dec 3rd

Dreaming of the Ibiza sunshine....

The yoga advent calendar: Dec 2nd

Day two of avoiding the festive madness...

The yoga advent calendar: Dec 1st

In no particular order... 25 days until Christmas. This is how I will make it to and through the festive season; a pose a day :-)

Yoga Pose of the Day: Balasana

Balasana (Child's Pose) - © Yoga Mama Yoga pose of the day: Balasana , otherwise known as Child's pose.

Feeling the winter blues?

Feeling the winter blues…. With Christmas only four weeks away and the short dark days fully upon us. Many of us can suffer from SAD seasonal affective disorder. We can feel tired and lethargic and our moods can be on the low side. The lack of day light can have a significant effect on our hormones. There can be an increase in the "sleepy" hormone melatonin and a decrease in the "happy" hormone serotonin;  our body clock feels "out of sorts". Spending as much time out doors will really help to balance this situation, as will exercise, as the increase in endorphins will lift the spirits. A brisk walk in your local park at lunchtime, when the light is at its best, will have a really positive effect. So avoid the mad shopping crowds and get walking!