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Beginners drop backs against the wall

A useful beginners guide to dropping back.

The most stylish yoga bag EVER - Agoya tote

I have posted before my love of handbags & of course my love of yoga....these bags by agoya combine the two. I'm currently rolling my mat and shoving it in my hand bag when I'm on the run ...this might be the way to go for me, as these bags/mat carriers are the most stylish I have EVER seen. For more details about these beautiful hand crafted items contact

Four Reasons to Do Yoga for Birth Preparation Classes

Yoga for birth preparation classes are tailored for the final stages of pregnancy (from 32 weeks), where what we need most is to quieten the mind, let go of time pressures and constant doing and be in a consciously relaxed state, where we can connect with ourselves, our babies and our inner birthing wisdom. The course runs over four weeks and each week a different topic is discussed at the start of class: Week 1 :  The natural physiology of birth : what to expect at different stages of the labour process Week 2 :  Managing fear : Trusting your body and nurturing a sense of empowerment Week 3 :  Creating a positive intention and guided relaxation : Letting go of the intellect and connecting with intuition and instincts Week 4 :  Using breath as your anchor in labour : Detailed breath techniques for the different stages of labour After the initial discussion, the session becomes more body focused, incorporating yoga postures that can help move the labour process along and

Practice & effort

" Practice implies a certain methodology, involving effort. It has to be followed uninterruptedly for a long time, with firm resolve, application, attention and devotion, to create a stable foundation for training the mind, intelligence, ego and consciousness." Light on the yoga sutras of Pattanjali.  BKS Iyengar No quick fix here and this section really is about the inside not the outside (Asana) 

Western Ghats India

Here are are few photos from my trip to the Western Ghats. Beautiful Indian country side (after being in the city for quite some time). Elephants, waterfalls, coffee plantations and national parks...

New Asana, New Pain (Mysore)

Sharath said "new asana new pain" last week in the conference here in Mysore. Anyone who practises Ashatanga yoga can probably relate to this.   I think practising some "old" asanas with a new approach can also create pain (both physical and emotional)... In my experience, if we stick with it and trust in the process, we can overcome some of of this pain (both real and imagined). He also said he took two years with one pose. I would love to know what pose that was, but I am not quite brave enough to ask. :-)