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Ashtanga yoga at Yoga Mama

Ashtanga yoga is a flowing dynamic form of yoga, where each pose is linked and synchronised using a breath and movement system . Developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Ashtanga yoga is a set series of postures that are linked to the breath in a flow of movement, increasing strength and flexibility. The discipline of this system allows us to develop a deeper understanding and awareness of ourselves. It is both empowering, and liberating and allows us to move through life with a calmness and steadiness of mind and body. Ashtanga Yoga courses at Yoga Mama In addition to our Friday morning (9 -10:30am) Ashtanga Led Yoga course, we have added a new Tuesday morning (9:30 - 11am) course too. Both of these courses last for 8 weeks and cost £120. Come along and join our yoga classes to gain muscle strength, flexibility and improve your posture to help prevent re-injury and to achieve a mind-body connection. More information and bookings For more information or to book your place on

OM Magazine: The Fourth Trimester

Yoga Mama features in the September 2014 edition of the OM Yoga and Lifestyle magazine. Cherie Lathey's article, titled "The Fourth Trimester", looks at the importance and benefits of postnatal yoga. The magazine is available to buy at newsagents. Cost £3.95.

BKS Iyengar -What a remarkable man.

Sad to hear the news of BKS Iyengar passing on to the next life What a truly remarkable man who studied and shared his knowledge of yoga to millions of people. His books have certainly influenced me-his dedication and wisdom stayed with him to the end. His mark on the world saw him nominated for the Noble Prize for peace.....lets hope we see more yogis follow in his "giant"  footsteps.

Boy Has Ears Created from Ribs

Our colleague, Neil Bulstrode (Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon), recently took part in a pioneering operation which has brought new joy to a 9-year-old boy born without ears. Using cartilage taken from the ribcage, the team of surgeons at Great Ormond Street Hospital were able to construct new ears for him. Boy has ears created from ribs by Fergus Walsh, Medical Correspondent for the BBC A boy who was born without ears has had a pair created from his ribs. Nine-year-old Kieran Sorkin had the surgery at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital. About 100 children a year in the UK are born without one or both ears, a condition known as microtia. Kieran was born deaf with small lobes where his ears should be. He can already hear, thanks to previous surgery to implant a hearing aid. "I want people to stop asking me questions", said Kieran from Hertfordshire. "I'd like just to look like my friends. "I'd also like to be able to wear sunglass