the Sunshine in
Surya Namaskar
This is a dynamic, flowing variation on
the classic sun salutation. This particular sequence has an emphasis on
stretching the psoas or hip flexor muscle at the top of the thigh. You can
change the pace of this yoga sequence by staying in each pose for 5 breaths or
by using the one breath one movement principle in order to to flow through the
This warming, heat-producing sequence
can be used as a stand-alone short yoga session or, alternatively, as a warm-up
to a longer yoga class. Building the number of rounds up over time will enable
you to gain strength. Connecting to your
breath in each movement, allows this sequence to feel like a moving meditation.
You should always rest in savanasana at the end of your yoga session.
2. Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)
Inhale and sweep your arms up
keeping your shoulders moving down the back.
Look up towards the thumbs.
Exhale folding forward. Bend your
knees here if you need to.
4. Ardha Uttansana (Half Standing Forward Bend)
Inhale look forward and lengthen
the spine
5. High Lunge
Exhale, and step your left foot
back into a lunge, keeping your gaze forward. Drop your back knee to the floor if you need
to. Inhale
Exhale and step your right foot
to down dog-keeping your feet hip wisth apart.. Spread your fingers and draw
your lower (floating) ribs into the body.
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana (Tri-pod down dog )
Inhale lifting the right leg
high-keeping keep the belly strong and both hips
towards the floor
bending the right knee taking the heel towards the left hip.
Keep both shoulders square to the
floor.. Inhale
9. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)
Exhale and step your right foot
back to down facing dog.
. 10. Plank Pose
Inhale and bring your body
forward until your shoulders are over your wrists.Keep your body straight like
a plank..Push your heels into an imaginary wall behind you, be strong through
the belly
11. Chaturanga
Dandasana(Four-Limbed Staff Pose)
Exhale as you bend your elbows
and lower body down towards the floor ( drop your knee’s to the floor if you
need to) Keep your elbows close to the body and keep the shoulders moving away
from the ears.
12. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
(Upward-Facing Dog Pose)
Inhale, sweeping up into updog,
opening the chest and heart-standing up on the hands. Keep your legs fully
active and the shoulders moving away
from the ears ( stay low in cobra as an option)
Exhale back to Down Dog
Inhale the right foot back in between the
hands in a lunge. Inhale
Exhale stepping the left foot forward to touch
the right, folding back in over
the legs
in a forward bend.
Inhale and sweep your arms up
keeping your shoulders moving down the back. Look up towards the thumbs.
Tadasana (Mountain pose)
Exhale the-hands back in front of
your heart.
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