Acupuncture, an effective method of treating problems in the menstrual cycle |
Do you experience bloating, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, or painful cramping before or during your period? These complaints are common during the menstrual cycle, but they are not “normal”.
What is a healthy menstrual cycle?
A healthy menstrual cycle is one that comes regularly, approximately every 26-30 days. There should be no premenstrual discomfort (both physically or emotionally). Neither should there be any pain. Flow should be moderate, needing to change a pad or tampon every 3-4 hours. There should be no clots or spotting over a consistent period of 4 to 5 days. The colour should be a medium red colour, not too dark. Lastly, your period should also end concisely, with no lingering spotting beyond the fifth or sixth day.How can acupuncture help restore a healthy menstrual cycle?
Girls are typically not well educated about their menstrual cycles. Very often, they will grow up thinking that it is normal to be irritable or in pain or discomfort during that time of the month. Menstrual disorders occur when the body’s hormones become imbalanced. Acupuncture can help restore the balance among the hormones by enhancing the body’s flow of energy. As a result, this will relieve menstrual symptoms. Ancient theorists believe that if the energy flow is correct, then any menstrual disorders are avoidable. Acupuncture has a long history in the management of irregular periods. It is a natural approach to encourage your body to re-establish regular periods, ovulation and to get your hormones back in balance.Acupuncture at The Putney Clinic with Jas Kandola
Jas completed a degree in Acupuncture from The International College of Oriental Medicine. She has a special interest in fertility treatments and women’s health acupuncture. Jas also regularly treats patients who suffer from stress, headaches, neck and back pain and other repetitive strain injuries. She also has ample experience treating patients with conditions such as asthma, arthritis, digestive problems, postural problems, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
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