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Origami art

Here are a few pictures from a street project that my daughter Cally Lathey and her fellow Central St Martin's textile students did outside St Paul's Cathedral in London last week. It was a covert project, so they had to get to the phone box at 6am. It drew a pretty big crowd and made a lot of people smile. Howeverm it would appear that the police were not so keen on it and ordered the council to remove it. When the council worker arrived, he liked the design and even posed for photos with it, one of which was published in the Evening Standard. I love what they did; and being "eco" students, they removed and recycled all the paper. I am pleased to announce that no telephone boxes were harmed in the making of this art. Move over Banksy!

Motown Yoga

I usually teach yoga in the mornings and practice in the afternoons. This morning I was free, so I got on my mat earlier than usual. I decided to pass on my regular practice tunes: Ram Dass, etc... and look for something new. I picked my favourite "Best of Motown" CD and powered through the Ashtanga primary series. I got through this quicker than I have ever done in my life. I even managed to keep in the Chakrasanas, which I sometimes pass on. My Marichyasana D bind seems to be avoiding me at the moment, even the Jackson 5 banging out some tunes, couldn't assist me with that one today (trying to practice non-attachment here). Smokey Robinson, Aretha Franklin and all my other favourite Motown artists are completely oblivious to the fact that they were involved in my record breaking yoga practice today. I am blogging this today in case I am unable to lift my arms tomorrow. Motown Yoga love!