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Eat Pray Love: a quest for change and happiness

Eat Pray Love is a film about a woman's quest to travel and heal herself after a messy divorce. The film is beautifully shot and Julia Roberts does a pretty good job of displaying the emotional pain of the character Liz Gilbert. She gives up her life as a successful writer in New York and sets off on her travels to Rome, India and Bali in an attempt to change her life. Liz Gilbert took a risk and took herself way out of her comfort zone, she explored not only different cultures and countries, but also took a look at herself on a deeper level I too have travelled a lot in my life I have stayed on retreats in India, hugged trees in Greece, practised headstands in the Sahara… Yes, travel has been amazing, and some of the people I have met on these journeys have had a big impact on my life. My inner journey started off more than 20 years ago in Australia, where I had a respiratory arrest after suffering an acute asthma attack. I stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. Three mont

Eat Pray Love

Last night I attended a screening of the film Eat Pray Love , which will be released later this month. The film is an adaptation of the memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, a successful writer (played by Julia Roberts), and her struggle to find what she really wants in life. She embarks on a journey around the world that takes her to far-flung and exotic destinations such as Rome (Eat), India (Pray) and Bali (Love) and which turns into a quest for self-discovery. I had read the book previously and was not massively overwhelmed by it, but I was eager to see how it would be translated to the big screen in true Hollywood style. After watching the film, myself and a group of other bloggers were invited to discuss the film. It was interesting to hear other people's views of what is essentially one person's personal journey. I don't want to spoil the plot, so I will leave it you to go and see the film and come to your own conclusions. The film will hit UK cinemas on the 24th of September