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"HAPPY" by Roko Belic

Here is a clip of a film by Academy Award nominated director Roko Belic, entitled HAPPY HAPPY takes us on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. Combining real life stories of people from around the world and powerful interviews with the leading experts in happiness research, including Ed Diener, Sonja Lyubomirsky and Nic Marks, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. What makes you happy? Happy - A Documentary Trailer from Wadi Rum Films on Vimeo .

Quote: All Is Coming

Practise. All is coming... Sri K.Pattabhi Jois

Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana Tri-pod down dog

Someone told me recently that they were a regular Ashtanga yoga practioner, and they had a daily primary series practise. She was somewhat surprised when I told her this pose is NOT part of the primary series....Great pose but not in primary-funny how some teachers will throw in a few extra poses, and not mention to their students this is not part of the traditional sequence.

Swami G Charmundi Hills Mysore

Swami G Mysore , originally uploaded by . Swami G is to be found living in a cave in Charmundi hills Mysore India. He has lived in the cave for 17 years-A wonderful gentle wise man. When I asked him if I could take a photograph of him-he agreed and then asked me if he could take one of me too-I roared with laughter when he pulled out an iphone ( or similar)...the modern day swami :-)

Ashtanga Yoga Headstand for Beginners: Sirsasana with Kino

I think this is good tutorial for students new to headstand-although I find Kino saying move the pelvis forward slightly confusing, as I would describe this as moving the pelvis backward- but all amounts to the same direction I guess.

Dalai Lama: Inner Peace, Happiness, God and Money