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Pose of the day

Tittibhasana A , originally uploaded by . Tittibhasana A or Firefly

Quote of the day ...

Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies - or else? The chain reaction of evil - hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars - must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pose of the day

Vrishchikasana Scorpion pose , originally uploaded by . Vrishchikasana, Scorpion pose

Eat Pray Love: a quest for change and happiness

Eat Pray Love is a film about a woman's quest to travel and heal herself after a messy divorce. The film is beautifully shot and Julia Roberts does a pretty good job of displaying the emotional pain of the character Liz Gilbert. She gives up her life as a successful writer in New York and sets off on her travels to Rome, India and Bali in an attempt to change her life. Liz Gilbert took a risk and took herself way out of her comfort zone, she explored not only different cultures and countries, but also took a look at herself on a deeper level I too have travelled a lot in my life I have stayed on retreats in India, hugged trees in Greece, practised headstands in the Sahara… Yes, travel has been amazing, and some of the people I have met on these journeys have had a big impact on my life. My inner journey started off more than 20 years ago in Australia, where I had a respiratory arrest after suffering an acute asthma attack. I stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. Three mont

Eat Pray Love

Last night I attended a screening of the film Eat Pray Love , which will be released later this month. The film is an adaptation of the memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, a successful writer (played by Julia Roberts), and her struggle to find what she really wants in life. She embarks on a journey around the world that takes her to far-flung and exotic destinations such as Rome (Eat), India (Pray) and Bali (Love) and which turns into a quest for self-discovery. I had read the book previously and was not massively overwhelmed by it, but I was eager to see how it would be translated to the big screen in true Hollywood style. After watching the film, myself and a group of other bloggers were invited to discuss the film. It was interesting to hear other people's views of what is essentially one person's personal journey. I don't want to spoil the plot, so I will leave it you to go and see the film and come to your own conclusions. The film will hit UK cinemas on the 24th of September

Pose of the day

Yoga Ibiza. Kumasana , originally uploaded by . Supta. Kumasana variation, Sleeping tortoise posture

Yoga Ibiza

Yoga Ibiza 10 , originally uploaded by . This was my yoga practice spot for the last 10 days. Ibiza is a beautiful island and has something for everyone. I would meet my teenagers and their friends coming in from the clubs as I got up to practice yoga in the morning.

Quote of the day ...

Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Top 10 yoga studios in London

This article was originally published in the Elephant Journal . Although yoga is catching on fast here in the UK, we really do not have as much choice as our friends across The Pond regarding where we practice yoga. When I did my yoga teacher training in San Francisco, I was able to try lots of different schools of yoga—all within a stone’s throw of each other. In London, however, you have to look a bit harder and be prepared to travel if you want to get on your yoga mat. London offers a “no-frills” approach to yoga, which I personally really love. Studios tend to be fairly basic and many are warehouse type set ups. We do not have any “celebrity teachers” referred to in hushed voices, who slip into class with an air of mystery. We do, however, have some fantastic teachers and are lucky enough to host some amazing visiting yoga teachers from around the world, who come and share their wisdom. This list contains some of my personal favourite studios and some that are highly recommended b