When we think of inverted poses, we tend to think of poses such as the Sirsasana (headstand) and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand). These are often described as the “King and Queen of poses”; thus defining their importance in practising yoga.
What is an inverted pose?
An inverted pose – or inversion - is a pose in which the head is lower than the heart. Given this definition, there are in fact a number of yoga poses that can be classed as inversions; some of which are more easily achieved than the poses mentioned above.

Here is a list of some inverted poses:
What is an inverted pose?
An inverted pose – or inversion - is a pose in which the head is lower than the heart. Given this definition, there are in fact a number of yoga poses that can be classed as inversions; some of which are more easily achieved than the poses mentioned above.

Here is a list of some inverted poses:
- Viparita karani - Legs up the wall
- Ardho mukha svanasana - Downward facing dog
- Sasankasana - Hare pose
- Prasaritta padottanasana A,B, C, D
- Halasana - Plough pose.
- Karnapidasana - Ear pressure pose
- Urdhva padmasana - Inverted lotus pose
- Urdhva dandasana - Upward staff pose
- Adho mukha vrkasana - Full arm balance
- Pincha mayurasana - Elbow balance
- Giving the heart and lungs rest
- Increased blood circulation
- Fresh oxygenated blood to the brain
- Hormone balancing
- Flush and drain the belly
- They both calm the mind and enhance the ability to focus
- Inversion will give you a whole new perspective on life and give you the chance to view things from a different angle and perspective.
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